The bibliophile market writes a new and important chapter with the auction of Antique Books and Livres d’Artistes on 25 and 26 February...
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Frescoed halls, richly decorated stuccoed ceilings, polychrome marble and luxurious crystal chandeliers characterize the spaces of the eighteenth century Palazzo Crivelli, at the heart of Brera and core of the fashion district and of international design.
Next auctionsFrom September 2023, Il Ponte secondary office moved to via Medici del Vascello 8, in the Santa Giulia district of Milan, the area that will become the hub of the 2026 Winter Olympics to once again be pioneers, spectators and players in the development of a large area of the city and an innovative way of auctioning.
Next auctionsThe bibliophile market writes a new and important chapter with the auction of Antique Books and Livres d’Artistes on 25 and 26 February...
The new sales year kicks off once again with Antique and Artist Books, with a rare and equally sophisticated selection of works...
Italian excellence in design wraps up an outstanding year of sales in style...
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