Estimate € 150 - 200
Sold € 300
Auction: 20 May 2014 at 15:30
Tre formelle in porcellana incisa e dipinta in nero, con scene dal "Romanzo del padiglione Occidentale", Xixiangji (leggeri difetti) Cina, Periodo della Repubblica Three porcelain plaques decorated in engraved sgraffiato and grisaille, with motifs from the Story of the Western Chamber. China, Republican period (minor defects) (cm 14,8 x 29,7 x 0,4 each) Compare similar sgraffiato - grisaille ware in the Weishaupt Collection: G. Weishaupt, The Great Fortune, Chinese and Japanese Porcelain, 2002, p. 358 (defects)
Estimate € 150 - 200