BIGOT, Georges (1860-1927) - O-Ha-Yo : Album. [Yokohama], [1883] - Ma-Ta. [1884].   Two interesting and complete volumes with plates by the famous traveler and caricaturist Georges-Ferdinand Bigot.   2 volumes, 4to. (Each 300 x 210 e 295 x 190). Both volumes have an engraved title, "O-Ha-Yo: Album" contains 30 engravings and 10 woodcut silhouettes entitled "Une Chasse" (woodcut n. 5 was printed twice), "Ma-Ta" contains 20 etchings, both books are on Japanese paper (some staining). Fukuro-toji style cardboard (some spots, lightly rubbed).

Estimate € 500 - 800

Sold € 450