[PARIGI] - Lotto di 6 opere sulla fortificazione di Parigi.   An interesting group of phamplets regarding the political discussion over the fortificazion of Paris. The theme of fortification had been important for the French society since the projects of Vauban and received an increase of interest after the Russians and the Prussians conquered Paris in 1814 and 1815. Paris in the end was not fortified but after the Franco-prussian war of 1871 and the WWI the French government re-opened the discussion and finally built the Maginot line.   8vo. CHOUMARA T. Mémoires sur les fortifications de Paris. Paris: Journal des sciences militaires, 1833. 8vo,1 folding plate, original wrappers; DE GIRARDIN A. Des incovenients de fortifier les villes capitales et d'avoir un trop grand nombre de places fortes. Parisi: Correard, 1839. 8vo, original wrappers; ROGNIAT Reponse a l'auteur de l'ouvrage intitulé du projet de fortifier Paris. Paris: Correard, 1840. 8vo, original wrappers; [s.a] Du Projet de fortifier Paris ou examen d'un systeme general de defense. Paris: Correard, 1839. 8vo, original wrappers; ROGNIAT a l'auteur de la réponse aux observations du general Rogniat sur les fortifications de Paris. Paris: Correard, 1840. 8vo, original wrappers; VALAZE Fortifications de Paris. Paris: Renouard, 1833. 8vo, 1 folding plate, original wrappers

Estimate € 100 - 200

Sold € 80