[BATTELLI A VAPORE - Navigazione a vapore per i fiumi del regno Lombardo-Veneto] - 2 manifesti pubblicitari: Piroscafo il Mocenigo, Milano: Clementi 1844 [CON:] Piroscafo Mocenigo. Milan: Molinari, 1844.   Two rare large format advertisement posters for the Mocenigo boat that covered the Venice-Mantua section. In 1843 Count Alvise Francesco Mocenigo bought the concession to navigate on the Po river from Mr De Bei and commissioned the Dithburn & More firm to build the ship named after him.   (605 x 455mm). and (610 x 455mm) printed on light yellow paper (creases, marginal tears). (2)

Estimate € 100 - 200

Sold € 110