[RISORGIMENTO - MARTIRI DI BELFIORE] - Lotto di 4 manifesti da affissione di sentenze giudiziarie. Mantova: Caranenti, 1852-53.   An interesting group of four sentences, including the final of March 3, 1853, condemning the patriots of Belfiore, so called because of the ditch outside Mantua where they were hanged. The trial, which ended with the death sentences for Tazzoli, Scarsellini, Poma, Canal and Zambelli, originated from the discovery of a clandestine cell in Mantua of 110 members that actively distributed anti-Austrian propaganda, raised funds for the revolutionary cause and planned representative actions. The convictions and imprisonments, deprecated by public opinion, prevented any possible reconciliation between the population and the Austrian rulers. 4 Posters, (about 650x500 mm) all with the approval of Carlo Culoz, commander of the Mantua garrison, printed between 7 December 1852 and 19 March 1853 (creases)

Estimate € 100 - 200

Sold € 300