[PANNARTZ, SWEYNHEYM] - FAURE DE ROUSSINES, Joannes (m. 1340) - In quatuor libros Institutionum commentarii autographo collati. Venice: Altobello Salicato, 1572.   A legal text bound with a vellum bifolium taken from the Epistles of St. Jerome, printed in Rome on 13 December 1468 by Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz, the first printers of the peninsula. The epistles are among the first books printed in Italy, recognizable by the characteristic "sublacense" character used by the two publishers since the foundation of the first printing press in the monastery of Santa Scolastica in Subiaco.   Folio (310 x 210mm). Vignette on title (waterstaining to central margins of the first and final leaf, some browning and some occasional staining, some worming and two leaves detached, title reinforced at the inner margin). Reused vellum (from "In hoc uolumine sunt tractatus siue epistole numero centum & uigintiuna. Rome: Petri de Maximo [Sweynheym, Pannartz], 1468 xiii mensis decembris; readable text, on the reverse (from the Epistolae) "spiritum sanctum uenientem et manentem.quod oporteret eum ire" at recto, (from paper 249 from De Quaestionibus) "Ignoto vultu.fierent per primam sabbati" (slightly worn with some loss of text). Provenance: contemporary ownership inscription on title: "D. Ceslariis Papiensis Augustini de Realibus" (?).   The lot is accompanied by a export license.

Estimate € 600 - 900

Sold € 1,600