MENGHI, Girolamo (1529-1609) - Flagellum daemonum, exorcismos terribiles, potentissimos, et efficaces. Venice: Leni, 1599.   Rare edition (no auction results listed on RBH), unfortunately not complete, of the Latin work of the Bolognese exorcist Girolamo Menghi. The work, published for the first time in 1577, was very popular with 14 editions from 1577 to 1626 and is composed as follows: the "Flagellum daemonum" describing the nature, manifestation and power of the devil, the "Remedia efficacissima" explaining the administration of medicines and the prayers to be recited to free the obsessed and the "Fustis daemonum" containing the precepts for exorcisms. Menghi immediately achieved great notoriety among both ecclesiastical and secular public but he also received numerous criticisms for his methods and his remedies judged as superstitious and illegal in practicing medical administrations that led the work to be banned by the Sacred Congragation in 1709.   3 parts in one volume, 8vo (145 x 105mm). Titles of the first and third part with printer's device, woodcut initials, full-page woodcut illustration on the verso of cross8 (lacking F1, title of the second part probably replaced by a blank, without final blank, browned and dampstained throughout). Contemporary vellum (missing parts of the front cover, almost completely detached). Provenance: Some ancient annotations (including: "prohibitum est") and signature of possession: Mattia Trunzio (?).

Estimate € 100 - 200

Sold € 350