Estimate € 200 - 300
Auction: 20 September 2022 at 10:00
[MILANO] - Constitutiones Dominii Mediolanensis - [CON:] - Ordines iussu excellentissimi senatus nuper impressi, et volumini constitutionum adiecti - [E:] Nova additio decretorum. Milan: Valerio e Girolamo Meda, Giovanni Antonio degli Antoni, 1574-75. Legato insieme vi è anche CARPANI, Orazio (1496-1549). Horatii Carpani iuriscons. Mediol. collegii Ad capitulum homicida. Milano: Giovan Battista Colono, 1584 - [CON:] In capitulum, collegiis Commentarii. Milano: Paolo Gottardo da Ponte, 1581. A wide margined copy of this interesting miscellany dedicated to the Duchy of Milan. The first of the works is richly annotated and in the others there are occasional annotations. 5 works in one volume, folio (288 x 204mm). Printer's device on title and woodcut device at end of first work, woodcut initials, some marginal bookmarks that divide the works (wormed); pp. 21-30 of the third work are probably from another later and enlarged edition, ca. 1581? (some slight browning, sporadic foxing and staining). Modern marbled paper, paper case. Provenance: numerous annotations by different hands, one of which dated at the end June 23, 1766 - Emilio De Marchi Gherini (stamp on top of the same stamp which was previously erased).
Estimate € 200 - 300