CLAVIO, Cristoforo (1537-1612) - In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius. Rome: Domenico Basa, 1581.   An interesting commentary on Sacrobosco's "Tractatus de Sphaera", published for the first time in 1570. The commentary by Clavius, a fervent supporter of the geocentric Ptolemaic system, had enormous success and became a widespread study text. Despite divergent ideas, he maintained good relations with Galileo, even accepting his discoveries regarding lunar craters in 1611.   4to (218 x 150mm). Woodcut armillary sphere on title, many woodcut illustrations in the text, woodcut printer's device at end (restoration at upper inner corner of title and inner margin reinforced, small wormtrack at the inner margin of the first gathering, very tiny and occasional marginal wormholes, marginal waterstain at gatherings ++ and 2D-2E, light browning). Contemporary vellum, speckled spine, manuscript title on upper edge and on paper label on spine (later endpapers and label, without ties, light rubbing and minor chipping, a few tiny wormholes). Provenance: Petri Antonii Grassi modo - ex libri Filippi Grassi - Dionisii Grassi (early ownership inscriptions at endpaper).

Estimate € 500 - 800

Sold € 800