BRUNI, Leonardo (1370-1444) - Aquila volante. Ad lectorem. Chi se dilecta de scriptura antica et pigliasse piacer de ogni storia. Venice: Alessandro Paganino, 1517.   An early 16th century edition of the Aquila volante, one of the most interesting vernacular prose accounts of Roman history. The work contains an intriguing set of medieval legends about the Trojan War, Julius Caesar, Cato and much more. The attribution to Leonardo Bruni is confirmed by the most recent studies, which also underline the fundamental role of Guido da Pisa in the drafting of the work.   Folio (282 x 184mm). Elegant woodcut border surrounding title, text on two columns with woodcut caps, some more elaborate woodcut initials (some soiling and staining, some wormholes sometimes touching some letters, sporadic tears without loss). 18th- century half calf over marbled paper plates (worn). Provenance: some early annotations on title and on verso of final leaf.

Estimate € 700 - 1,000