RUCELLAI, Bernardo (1448-1514) - De bello italico commentarius. London: William Bowyer, 1724.   First printed edition of this fundamental work on Charles VIII's war in Italy, written at the end of the 15th century by the Florentine historian and diplomat Bernardo Rucellai. The author, brother-in-law of Lorenzo the Magnificent and famous humanist, was appreciated by Erasmus of Rotterdam, who did not hesitate to define him, within his "Apophtegmata", "alterum Sallustium".   4to (240 x 180mm). Printer's device on title, woodcut initials and head-and-tail pieces, with pasted errata at end of preliminary leaves (wormtracks to the inner margin of various leaves including title, some foxing). Modern half calf, gilt titles and decorations on spine, marbled covers, uncut.

Estimate € 100 - 150

Sold € 100