ALDROVANDI, Ulisse. (1522-1605) - De quadrupedibus solidipedibus volumen integrum. Bologna: Nicola Tebaldino (ma Giovanni Battista Ferroni), 1639 (ma 1648).   Fourth edition, printed with the title of the third one, of this posthumous work by Aldrovandi, published for the first time in 1616. The text features numerous fascinating woodcuts depicting not only domestic and wild solipeds but also exotic and legendary creatures.   Folio (357 x 237mm). Engraved title, woodcut headpieces and initials, woodcut illustrations including full-page ones (lacking final blank, browning, spotting). Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine, speckled edges (bowed, light rubbing especially on joints).

Estimate € 700 - 1,000

Sold € 1,000