[CACCIA] - SOLATIO, Cesare - L’eccellenza della caccia con l’Uso prattico della medema [sic]. Rome: successore Mascardi, 1669.   First and only edition, difficult to find on the market, of this treatise dedicated to hunting. The first part of the work contains historical information about the origin of hunting and the most famous hunters, while the second reviews the hunting of different game species and pragmatic advice on how to practice it.   12mo (133 x 75mm). Woodcut initials (lacking leaves +6, +7 of the letter to the reader, large tear at E12 which does not compromise the readability of the text, paper flaws at F10-11 touching a few letters, small waterstain at the inner margin of the final gathering, browned). Contemporary vellum (later endpapers, tiny stains, light wear).

Estimate € 150 - 250

Sold € 100