Group of five fragments of Ushak carpet ""Lotto"", Anatolia, 1500-1600 approx (cm max 75x65) (defects and losses)   The decorative motif of this carpet takes its name from the Venetian painter Lorenzo Lotto (1480-1556) who painted it in ""The Alms of Saint Anthony"" of 1542 (kept in the Church of Saints John and Paul in Venice) and in ""Family Group"" of 1547 (kept at the National Gallery in London)   For comparison see: Ajmar-Wollheim, Marta and Flora Dennis, At Home in Renaissance Italy, London: V&A Publishing, 2006 C.G.Ellis, Oriental Carpets : Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Herbert Press, 1988, p.22 fig.6

Estimate € 250 - 350

Sold € 22,000