8 April 2016
1001A jadeite figure of a lady with knotted hair,…Estimate € 600 - 800
1002A spinach-green jade censer modelled as a Buddhist lion,…Estimate € 600 - 700Sold for € 2,000
1003A celadon jade model of a standing lady, with…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 400
1004Two celadon jade plaques. each decorated with landscape scenes…Estimate € 500 - 600
1005A pale celadon jade ‘puzzle ball’, with various layers,…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 450
1006Two jade carvings, one of a celadon tone decorated…Estimate € 400 - 500
1007A white jade model of a recumbent tortoise, holding…Estimate € 400 - 500
1008A celadon and russet jade brush washer shaped as…Estimate € 400 - 500
1009A pink coral carving of ladies wearing long robes…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 800
1010A Famille Rose 'lantern' vase and cover, enamelled with…Estimate € 600 - 800
1011A pair of Famille Rose vases, each decorated with…Estimate € 300 - 400
1012A Famille Rose bottle vase decorated with flowers witching…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 370
1013A pair of celadon-ground bottle vases, each decorated with…Estimate € 800 - 1,000Sold for € 1,900
1014A Yen Yen Famille Rose vase decorated with precious…Estimate € 300 - 400
1015A Famille Rose porcelain vase, with twin handles, enamelled…Estimate € 400 - 500
1016A pair of Famille Rose hexagonal baluster vases, each…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500Sold for € 800
1017A pair of Famille Rose baluster vases decorated with…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500Sold for € 800
1018A pair of baluster vases with twin handles, each…Estimate € 650 - 700
1019A pair of Famille Rose rouleau vases decorated with…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,200Sold for € 2,800
1020A pair of bronze deers, each carrying an ornate…Estimate € 500 - 600
1021A bronze model of a Buddha, seated cross-legged, wearing…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500
1022A bronze model of a bearded foreigner seated on…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 3,000
1023A bronze tripod censer and cover decorated with dragons…Estimate € 300 - 400
1024A bronze archaistic vase of gu or zun form…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500Sold for € 800
1025An archaistic bronze vase, with twin handles and decorated…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 650
1026A bronze vase of arcaich form, hu, with twin…Estimate € 500 - 600Sold for € 500
1027A bronze vase of archaic form, with a band…Estimate € 500 - 600Sold for € 600
1028An Imari octagonal baluster vase and cover, decorated in…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 1,500
1029A pair of Imari baluster vases, each enamelled and…Estimate € 800 - 1,000Sold for € 1,200
1030A porcelain baluster jar con cover decorated in the…Estimate € 600 - 700Sold for € 900
1031A pair of Imari vases and covers, each richly…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 2,600
1032A large Imari circular dish Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912)…Estimate € 500 - 600Sold for € 1,000
1033A polychrome-decorated dish with birds and flowers Japan, late…Estimate € 120 - 140
1034A large Imari dish decorated with geometric and floral…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 300
1035A large porcelain vase, the body of ovoid form,…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500
1036A large Imari dish with a central decoration depicting…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 1,000
1037A large 19th-century Japanese porcelain dish (d. 73 cm.)Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 750
1038A rectangular red box and cover with insert black…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 240
1039A spinach green jade vase modelled as a gnarled…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 2,200
1040A Famille Verte enamelled tile, decorated with a perched…Estimate € 400 - 500
1041A double-lozenge lacquer box, on an elaborate base, decorated…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 500
1042A painting of a couple greeting an Immortal riding…Estimate € 800 - 1,000Sold for € 600
1043Three small flambè vases China, 20th century (il più…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 600
1044A bronze model of a Bodhisattva seated on a…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 750
1045A large rectangular wood board, with carved inscription reading…Estimate € 180 - 200
1046Two Canakkale ewers, with twisted handles, of dark ground…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 300
1047A bronze bottle vase with tubular handles, the neck…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 500
1048An ivory okimono with dark wood base depicting a…Estimate € 500 - 600Sold for € 400
1049A small ivory okimono of a fisherman fighting with…Estimate € 1,200 - 1,500Sold for € 1,000
1050An ivory model of a 'doctor's lady', portrayed reclining…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,500Sold for € 1,000
1051An ivory and wood model of a fisherman wearing…Estimate € 2,000 - 2,500Sold for € 1,500
1052An ivory carving of a standing lady, with knotted…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 500
1053An ivory carving if a bearded Immortal wearing long…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 400
1054An ivory rectangular plaque, carved with figures amongst by…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 2,200
1055A small ivory lotus brushwasher, a pair of small…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 350
1056A large ivory model of Shoulao with a long…Estimate € 800 - 1,000Sold for € 1,500
1057An ivory model of a standing female immortal wearing…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 400
1058A Hongmu rectangular display case with irregular shelves and…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,000Sold for € 1,000
1059A tall four-legged pierced wood stool, the top made…Estimate € 100 - 150
1060A large rectangular wood panel decorated with gilt calligraphy…Estimate € 250 - 300
1061A bamboo and wood jewelry box composed of six…Estimate € 50 - 60
1062A large lacquered dish decorated in red and gold…Estimate € 1,800 - 2,000Sold for € 1,500
1063Two anglo-indian blackwood armachairs, each richly carved and pierced…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 350
1064A coral carving of a lady wearing long robes…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,200Sold for € 4,800
1065A bamboo and wood chaise longue with reclinable back…Estimate € 250 - 350Sold for € 350
1066A small soapstone model of a Lohan, modelled seated,…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,200Sold for € 800
1067A grey and celadon jade libation cup, the handle…Estimate € 1,500 - 1,800Sold for € 1,900
1068Three white and pale celadon jade plaques, the larger…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,500Sold for € 2,000
1069A pale celadon carving of a smiling Budai, modelled…Estimate € 600 - 700
1070A jadeite cylindrical brushpot, delicately incised with a crane…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,200
1071A dark celadon jade model of a standing Qilin,…Estimate € 1,800 - 2,000Sold for € 2,200
1072A celadon jade carving of three Daoist Immortals on…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,000
1073A celadon jade carp amongst lotus and waves, with…Estimate € 1,200 - 1,500Sold for € 2,000
1074An iron-red porcelain cup decorated to the exterior with…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,500
1075An archaistic hu-shaped vase with twin deer-head handles decorated…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,000
1076A Famille Rose bottle vase, decorated with flowers amongst…Estimate € 1,200 - 1,500Sold for € 1,000
1077A Famille Rose bottle vase, decorated with flowers amongst…Estimate € 1,200 - 1,500Sold for € 1,400
1078A large Cantonese Famille Rose bowl decorated in gilt…Estimate € 300 - 400
1079A pair of slender baluster vases and covers, eached…Estimate € 2,800 - 3,000
1080A porcelain model of a crane with enamels, portrayed…Estimate € 600 - 700
1081A 'Batavian' style baluster jar and cover, with shaoed…Estimate € 500 - 600
1082An octagonal lacquer and gilt game box decorated with…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,500
1083A sewing box of recatngular form with canted corners,…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,000
1084A cloisonné enamel vase and cover, of archaistic Hu…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,500Sold for € 2,000
1085A pair of cloisonnè enamel 'mandarin ducks' censers, each…Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000Sold for € 1,500
1086A pair of hardstone table screen of place celadon…Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000
1087A ruyi sceptre with inset celadon jade plaques, carved…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,500Sold for € 2,000
1088A celadon and apple green jadeite tripod censer, the…Estimate € 3,000 - 4,000
1089A bronze gilt model of Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini, embraced…Estimate € 5,000 - 6,000Sold for € 14,000
1090A gilt-bronze figure of a Buddha, seated in dhysanasana…Estimate € 6,000 - 8,000
1091A gilt-bronze figure of a seated dignitary, wearing a…Estimate € 15,000 - 20,000
1092A gilt bronze model of a Bodhisattva seated crosslegged…Estimate € 3,000 - 4,000Sold for € 6,200
1093A gilt bronze model of a Bodhisattva, portrayed crosslegged…Estimate € 4,000 - 5,000Sold for € 27,000
1094A large coral branch carved with beautiful ladies wearing…Estimate € 55,000 - 65,000
1095A pink coral branch carved with beautiful ladies wearing…Estimate € 18,000 - 20,000
1096A large coral branch, richly carved and pierced with…Estimate € 18,000 - 20,000
1097A pair of 'hundred deer' vases, of archaistic hu…Estimate € 25,000 - 30,000
1098A pair of large cantonese Famille Rose vases, each…Estimate € 3,000 - 4,000
1099Three large Famille Verte dishes, each painted with a…Estimate € 2,000 - 2,500
1100A small soft-paste porcelain circular box and cover, finely…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,000
1101A pair of wucai porcelain jars, each applied with…Estimate € 3,000 - 4,000Sold for € 9,500
1102Two Famille Rose porcelain plaques, depicted with various figures…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500
1103Two rectangular porcelain plaques, one enamelled with a lady…Estimate € 700 - 1,000
1104A pair of large Famille Verte baluster jars and…Estimate € 4,000 - 6,000Sold for € 6,600
1105A pair of rectangular Famille Verde plaques, each decorated…Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000
1106A pair of rectangular porcelain plaques enamelled with landscape…Estimate € 2,000 - 2,500
1107Two paintings depicting daily life scenes, ink and colours…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500
1108A painting of the Eighteen Luohans, accompanied by attendants,…Estimate € 2,000 - 2,500
1109Two paintings depicting daily life scenes, ink and colours…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500
1110Two volumes of chapters 88-95 and 104-109 of the…Estimate € 250 - 350
1111An erotic-themed painting depicting various caouple in pavilions and…Estimate € 2,000 - 2,500Sold for € 1,500
1112A painting of figures in procession, some wearing white…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,000Sold for € 2,000
1113A long-bearded sage, riding a saddled donkey, wearing a…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,500
1114A bronze Buddha depicted cross-legged, a crown on his…Estimate € 3,000 - 4,000
1115A large Ming-style spinach green and grey jade recumbent…Estimate € 2,000 - 2,500Sold for € 1,500
1116A gray schist sculpture of a standing Vishnu, embellished…Estimate € 450 - 500
1117A bronze deity, depicted seated cross-legged on a spiralling…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,000Sold for € 1,000
1118A grey stone deity, with wood base (h. 142…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,000Sold for € 3,900
1119A large wucai porcelain bowl decorated with two five-clawed…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,000Sold for € 1,000
1120A pair of porcelain vases decorated to the ovoid…Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000Sold for € 1,500
1121A 'millefleurs' globular bowl, decorated with various flowers on…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,000Sold for € 1,400
1122A cylindrical flower bowl decorated with shaped panels enclosing…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500
1123A rectangular bronze, raised on four supports, the exterior…Estimate € 2,000 - 2,500
1124A pair of bronze models of boys wearing robes…Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000
1125A pair of bronze base, of archaistic shape fanggu,…Estimate € 500 - 600
1126A bronze incense burner modelled as a long-bearded sage…Estimate € 600 - 800
1127A painting depicting a flowering prunus and bamboo stalks,…Estimate € 800 - 1,000Sold for € 600
1128A six-leaves folding screen decorated with precious objects in…Estimate € 400 - 600Sold for € 1,100
1129A bronze vase of archaistic shape, hu, with twin…Estimate € 300 - 400
1130A Cantonese Famille Rose ooval bowl with colourful deocrations…Estimate € 20 - 30
1131A blue and white porcelain dish with Ming-style decoration…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 200
1132Tre piatti in porcellana Imari, decorati con motivi floreali…Estimate € 100 - 150Sold for € 200
1133A Famille Verte vase and cover mounted as a…Estimate € 800 - 1,000
1134A Famille Verte ovoid jar decorated with grasshoppers amongst…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 1,400
1135A baluster vase decorated in Famille Rose and with…Estimate € 100 - 120
1136An ovoid jar, enamelled in green with floral decoration…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,000Sold for € 1,000
1137A wucai baluster jar and cover, decorated with figures…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 550
1138A blue and white vase, of globular form, with…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 3,000
1139Portasigarette in avorio lavorato con figure in paesaggi e…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 220
1140A painting of a flowering prunus branch, with inscriptions…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 500
1141A pair of ivory models of dignitaries riding horses,…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 1,000
1142An ivory brushwasher, carved and pierced with figures amongst…Estimate € 400 - 600Sold for € 450
1143A camphor wood fan, painted on paper with figures…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 100
1144A large painted folding fan, the stick in silver…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500Sold for € 1,800
1145A painting composed by two fan leaves decorated with…Estimate € 300 - 400
1146A papier-mache folding fan with carved ivory terminal, painted…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 1,500
1147A carved ivory folding fan, decorated with figures amongst…Estimate € 400 - 500
1148A rectangular silk embroidery depicting figures, animals in a…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 200
1149A silk embroidery of beige and ivory thread on…Estimate € 500 - 600
1150A blue silk embroidery decorated with a central roundel…Estimate € 200 - 250
1151A jacquar textile decorated with birds and leaves Late…Estimate € 70 - 80
1152A silk robe embroidered with butterflies and flowers on…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 300
1153A rectangular carpet with a five-clawed dragon chasing the…Estimate € 1,800 - 2,000
1154A group of three embroidered silk textiles, comprising a…Estimate € 300 - 400
1155A circular box and cover decorated with gilt archaic…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 3,000
1156A small Imari bowl with floral decoration wih european…Estimate € 700 - 900
1157A pair of Famille Rose flower bowls, each decorated…Estimate € 400 - 600Sold for € 250
1158Six export porcelain dishes, decorated in Famille Rose, with…Estimate € 300 - 400
1159A Famille Rose porcelain bowl decorated with magpies perched…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 400
1160A celadon-ground Famille Rose lobed bowl decorated with birds…Estimate € 150 - 250Sold for € 150
1161An iron-red 'sanduo' dish decorated with three fruits to…Estimate € 500 - 600
1162A hexagonal blue and white bowl decorated with three…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 200
1163A small porcelain bowl decorated with flowers on a…Estimate € 30 - 40
1164A pair of Famille Verte dishes, each with a…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 350
1165First half of the 20th-century. Small Cambodian silver box…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 140
1166A cylindrical silver box and cover richly decorated with…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,200Sold for € 900
1167A small silver jar and cover richly decorated with…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 250
1168A silver tapering vase, finely decorated with geometric motifs…Estimate € 500 - 600
1169Two bowls and one cylindrical box and cover in…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 150
1170Blanc-de-Chine model of Guanyin with childrens (losses and flaws)…Estimate € 400 - 600Sold for € 300
1171An unusual mantel clock with a wooden case covered…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 300
1172A Blanc-de-Chine model of a boy portrayed seated holding…Estimate € 300 - 400
1173A gilt bronze model of a seated Bodhisattva, the…Estimate € 500 - 600Sold for € 450
1174A group of eighteen polychrome porcelain models compring peach,…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 1,100
1175A cloisonnè enamel ovoidal vase and cover decorated with…Estimate € 150 - 200Sold for € 100
1176Five squared tiles with underglaze decoration of flowers against…Estimate € 200 - 300
1177A guanyin hardstone head, with serene expression (h. 29…Estimate € 300 - 350
1178Three Qajar pottery figurines of cats Persia (Iran), late…Estimate € 200 - 300
1179A Peking glass bottle vase, decorated in green on…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 100
1180A small cinnabar lacquer circular box and cover, with…Estimate € 120 - 150
1181A Cantonese Famille Rose porcelain punch bowl decorated in…Estimate € 400 - 500
1182A concertina album depicting military parades, ink and colours…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 200
1183Five squared Iznik-stle tiles decorated with underglaze decoration of…Estimate € 200 - 300
1184A Famille Rose cylindrical brush pot, decorated with figures…Estimate € 150 - 250Sold for € 300
1185Three pottery bottles of rectangular and triangular shape, decorated…Estimate € 200 - 300
1186A reverse glass painting of Shoulao and Immortals accompanied…Estimate € 150 - 160
1187A coral-red ground Famille Rose vase, decorated with the…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 150
1188A bottle vase of flattened shape, with twin chilong…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 330
1189A claire-de-lune bottle vase with twin ring handles, with…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 400
1190A Famille Rose vase, of archaistic gu shape, enamelled…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 300
1191An album of six prints with hand-painted decoration, depicting…Estimate € 200 - 300Sold for € 120
1192A bronze demon standing on rocks, with fierce facial…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 450
1193A group of porcelain and cloisonnè enamel snuff bottles,…Estimate € 400 - 500Sold for € 1,200
1194A wood sculpture of shoulao embellished with silver-wired decoration…Estimate € 150 - 200Sold for € 100
1195Four stage blades composed by two Malesian kriss, a…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 350
1196A pair of blue and white porcelain vases and…Estimate € 400 - 500
1197Three prints with a signature reading Hiroshige, featuring a…Estimate € 500 - 600Sold for € 500
1198Two prints with signatures reading Hiroshige and Shigenobou depicting…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 250
1199A pair of rectangular reverse-glass paintings, depicting figures and…Estimate € 600 - 800
1200Four prints with a signature reading Hiroshige, depicting various…Estimate € 600 - 800Sold for € 650
1201Four propaganda colour prints on paper, of various daily…Estimate € 300 - 400Sold for € 250
1202A doucai bowl, decorated to the exterior with peony…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500Sold for € 800
1203A couple of potiches in Famille Rose with lid,…Estimate € 2,500 - 3,500Sold for € 2,000
1204A carved ivory vase and cover, surmounted by a…Estimate € 1,000 - 1,500Sold for € 1,300
1205A pair of Cantonese Famille Rose porcelain vases, with…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,000
1206A large painting depciting two fishermen on a boat…Estimate € 2,000 - 2,500Sold for € 1,500
1207A painting of a mountainous landscape with trees and…Estimate € 1,500 - 2,500Sold for € 1,000