Auction Preview 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures

Auction Preview | Press Release | Published on 26/11/2021

With a catalogue of almost three hundred works selected from prestigious collections, the 19th and 20th-century Paintings and Sculptures department

a previously unseen or, more precisely, "rediscovered" 19th century, with works made by significant artists of this artistic period. The second nucleus of works from the Bernasconi Collection, the first part was presented in June and 100% of the lots have been sold, proposes the best Lombardy's signatures between 19th and 20th-century signatures: from Mosé Bianchi to Pompeo Mariani, from Luigi Rossi to Giorgio Belloni. The sense of rediscovery - the department's favourite approach during the selection phase - is given by the works from the Migliavacca Collection in Bergamo, with artists who were already highly appreciated at their time and that now find new opportunities for visibility: this is the case of the sculptor Angelo Montegani, a delicate interpreter of the Art Nouveau style, or the painter Natale Morzenti, capable of fearlessly pushing towards monochrome representations and portraying subjects almost in a caricatural way, but always respecting the tradition of Lombard naturalism.

Lotto 244_Mosè Bianchi
"Contadine con capre in una stalla" oil on canvas (cm 70x57)
Provenienza Milano, Eredità Bernasconi 
Stima € 3.800 - 4.000

Lot 279_Luigi Conconi
"Interno del Palazzo di Brera", 1891, oil on canvas (cm 75x116).
Estimate € 5,000 - 6,000

The catalogue also presents international works such as an unpublished Luigi Conconi (lot 279, estimate € 5,000 - 6,000) dated 1891, which depict the Brera courtyard with Canova's Napoleon; Ettore Tito (lot 278, estimate € 14,000 - 15,000) with a Conversazione characterized by the artist's typical cinematographic cut; an extraordinary Alberto Pasini (lot 277, estimate € 20,000 - 22,000) dated 1881, who plunges us into the Turkish atmosphere of Istanbul and an equally recognizable Giovanni Fattori (lot 280, estimate € 10,000 - 12,000) with his usual horse soldiers. 

Lotto 278_Ettore Tito "Conversazione",
olio su cartone, (cm 46,5x34).
Stima € 14.000 - 15.000

Lot 280_Giovanni Fattori "Soldati a cavallo",
oil on panel  (cm 22x37) Provenance: Milan, Heritage Bernasconi Collection
Estimate € 10,000 - 12,000

Moving to the early 20th century, we can admire the "Autoritratto" dated 1920 by Luigi Russolo (lot 259, estimate € 1,800 - 2,000) and the "Dopo cena" by Archimede Bresciani da Gazoldo (lot 260, estimate € 1,800 - 2,000), a rare and sought-after painter. The most loved painters by today's collectors are, of course, a must: Beppe Ciardi with an evocative series of Venetian views, Angelo Dall'Oca Bianca with works presented at the Venice Biennales, and Teodoro Wolf Ferrari, an artist that has been rediscovered in recent years. The catalogue is then crowned by the Lombard chiaristi: Lilloni, Spilimbergo, Del Bon, De Amicis and De Rocchi

Lot 259_Luigi Russolo
"Autoritratto", sanguine drawing and charcoal on paper (cm 47,5x33)
Estimate € 1,800 - 2,000

Lot 260_Archimede Bresciani da Gazoldo
"Dopo cena", 1920, mixed media on Ingres paper applied to plywood (cm 70x85)
Estimate € 1,800 - 2,000

Lot 277_Alberto Pasini
"Carovana alle porte di Costantinopoli", 1881, oil on canvas (cm 42x81).
Estimate € 20,000 - 22,000