Pigments of History
Ancient Painting Becomes a Story

Auction Preview | Press Release | Published on 11/03/2024

The selection of Old Master Paintings in auction from March 25 to 27, 2025 opens a window onto five centuries of artistic history, showcasing some unpublished or recently rediscovered works.


The quality of the paintings and the careful research that has reconstructed their history and provenance result in a series of pieces that enrich the narrative of the great painting tradition. 


Among the most significant discoveries is the "Annunciation" by the Venetian master Andrea Celesti (€ 4,000 - 6,000); an unpublished work of great refinement, destined to be included in the artist’s critical catalogue.
Another example of rare quality is "Diana the Huntress" by Marco Marcola (€ 6,000 - 9,000), which refers to pieces collected during the 19th century by Count Luigi Tadini and now housed at the Accademia Tadini in Lovere. Still captivating and rare is the 18th-century scene by Filippo Falciatore (€ 5,000 - 7,000), which elegantly portrays a Neapolitan noble interior, revealing an atmosphere of aristocratic yet curiously everyday life.


Lot 92 
Andrea Celesti, "Annunciation", oil on canvas (53.5x37.5 cm.), framed.
Estimate €  4,000 - 6,000

Lot 105 
Marco Marcola, "Diana the Huntress" oil on panel (49.5x58.5 cm.) in a parqueted frame.
Estimate € 6,000 - 9,000


Lot 87 
Filippo Falciatore "The Morning Toilette", oil on canvas (76x64 cm.), framed.
Estimate € 5,000 - 7,000

17th-century Spanish art is masterfully represented in the "Vanitas with a Ventilabro" from the Castilian School of the first half of the 17th century (€ 25,000 - 35,000), where symbolism and pictorial quality merge beautifully. The emotional realism, influenced by Ribera and Guercino, along with the extraordinary technical mastery, make this a subject of study, capable of fascinating experts both for its virtuosity and its depth of meaning.
Another treasure in the sale is the "Apparition of the Infant Jesus to Saint Anthony of Padua" by Domenico Piola (€ 9,000 - 12,000), recently emerged from a private collection, rich in Baroque theatricality, invoking Rubensian and Castiglionesque suggestions that engage the viewer with intense emotional force.

Lot 133 
"Vanitas with a Ventilabro", oil on panel (75.5x49 cm.), inscriptions on the recto: "BONA BONIS MALA MALIS"; "LIBER SCRIPTVS PROFERETVR"; "TEMPVS BREVE EST", framed.
Estimate € 25,000 - 35,000



Lot 129 
Domenico Piola, "The Apparition of the Infant Jesus to Saint Anthony of Padua" oil on canvas (135x110 cm.) framed.
Estimate € 9,000 - 12,000



A particularly significant recognition in the 1990s helped increase the value of the "Kitchen Interior" by Giacomo Legi (€ 10,000 - 14,000), a Flemish-Genoese artist of the 17th century who celebrates abundance and prosperity, with its imposing dimensions testifying to a prestigious commission during an era characterised by a taste for opulence.
A rare pair of "Still Lifes of Flowers" on slate attributed to Vincenzo Volò, better known as "Vincenzino dei Fiori" (€ 8,000 - 10,000 each), celebrates the artist’s meticulous botanical attention.




Lot 124 
Giacomo Legi, "Kitchen Interior" oil on canvas (190x297 cm.).
Estimate € 10,000 - 14,000

Lot 127 
Vincenzo Volò detto "Vincenzino dei fiori" (attr.), "Antique Vase with Roses, Tulips, and Other Flowers", oil on slate (40x29.5 cm.), framed.
Estimate € 8,000 - 10,000

Lot 128 
Vincenzo Volò detto "Vincenzino dei fiori" (attr.), "Antique with Roses, Tulips, and a Butterfly" oil on slate (40x29.5 cm.), framed.
Estimate € 8,000 - 10,000




Finally, the section of gold-ground paintings features the "Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria" by a master from the Marche region of the early 15th century (€ 5,500 - 6,000) and "Saint Peter" by an artist active in Bologna between the 14th and 15th centuries (€ 4,000 - 6,000). Completing the section is the "Virgin with Child and Angels," an expression of Veneto and Emilia art from the 15th century (€ 2,500 - 3,500).



Lot 100
Marchigian Master of the Early 15th Century, "Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria", tempera and gold on panel (44x23 cm.).
Estimate € 5,500 - 6,000

Lot 99 
Master Active in Bologna Between the 14th and 15th Centuries, "Saint Peter", tempera and gold on panel (84x26 cm.).
Estimate € 4,000 - 6,000


Lot 104 
Master Active Between Veneto and Emilia in the 15th Century, "Virgin with Child and Angels", tempera on arched panel (62x42 cm.).
Estimate € 2,5000 - 3,500





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 +39 02 8631453