Stamp Rarities:
Rewriting Postal History at Auction

Auction Preview | Press Release | Published on 19/06/2024

A journey through postal history with the auction on June 27 at Il Ponte Casa d'Aste: over 100 items catalogued, including rare covers and valuable stamps.

The auction kicks off with a section dedicated to the quintessential collectible stamp: the Gronchi rosa, issued on April 3, 1961, to commemorate President Giovanni Gronchi's trip to South America. It was quickly withdrawn by the Italian postal service due to a graphic error in the depiction of Peru's borders.

Highlights include an envelope entrusted to a member of President Gronchi's entourage for hand delivery and postmarking in Montevideo, Buenos Aires, and Lima (lot 322, € 1,000 - 1,200), and a stamp cancelled in Reggio Calabria on the day of issue (lot 319, € 400 - 500).

Lot 322
REPUBBLICA 1961 (6 apr.) 
Unsent envelope, without sealing flap to the reverse, with "Gronchi grigio" postmarked in Rome on April 6 and "Gronchi rosa".
The envelope was hand-carried through stops in Montevideo, Buenos Aires, and Lima.
Unique envelope with cancellations at all stops of President Gronchi's journey Cover..........(Sass. 920/921)
Estimate € 1,000 - 1,200

Lot 319
REPUBBLICA 1961 (3 apr.)
Unsent envelope with "Gronchi Rosa" canceled in Reggio Calabria on the day of issue Cert. M. Raybaudi. Signed by L. Raybaudi FDC..........(Sass. 921)
Estimate € 400 - 500

From “production errors” to rare stamps printed in very limited quantities, the auction features items such as the 20c. of the Papal States characterised by a rare lilac-grey colour, issued in 1870 (lot 308, € 2,000 - 3,000), the complete series of two values (15c. and 40c.) of the beautiful “Lions” of Somalia from 1905 (lot 328, € 3,000 - 4,000), and the complete collection of seven values of Zanzibar dedicated to the splendid “View of the Port” issued in 1908 (lot 338, € 2,000 - 3,000).

Lot 308
STATO PONTIFICIO 1870 (10 giu.)
Cover from Rome to Fabriano, franked with a 20c. lilac-grey stamp.
A rarity in the field, with very few known specimen. Cert. G. Bottacchi. Signed by A. Coda Canati Cover..........(Sass. 28c)
Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000

Lot 328
SOMALIA 1905 "Leoni".
Talking cover. Complete series of 2 values with Zanzibar overprint, in corner margin blocks of four. Cert. G. Bolaffi (copy) MNH..........(Sass. 8/9)
Estimate € 3,000  - 4,000

Lot 338
ZANZIBAR 1908 "View of Port".
Complete set of 7 values, wmk "Mult Rosette" 10r. slightly hinged, 200r. with small stains on gum Cert. A. Diena MNH/MH..........(SG 239/245)
Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000

Curious archetypes of modern advertising, when publicity was conducted via mail, include the “busta parlante” of 1870 from Cantiano to Piegaro, franked with a 20c. blue (lot 317, € 2,000 - 3,000), and the 1890 advertising postcard from Florence to Piegaro, franked with a 20c. orange Umberto I stamp perforated with “CC” (lot 318, € 800 - 1,200). 

In the section dedicated to philatelic memorabilia, there is the celebration of Italy’s victory in the 1982 World Cup, featuring a complete sheet of 25 stamps of 1,000 lire autographed by the 22 world champions, coach Enzo Bearzot, F.I.G.C president Federico Sordillo, C.O.N.I president Franco Carraro, A.I.R.C president Allegra Agnelli, and the renowned artist who executed the design, Renato Guttuso (lot 323, € 500 - 700).
This is a true historical relic, not only for philatelic enthusiasts but also for die-hard fans of that unforgettable summer.

Lot 317
REGNO D'ITALIA 1877 (13 lug.)
Busta parlante  without serial number, light blue on cream, from Cantiano to Piegaro, franked with a 20c. blue stamp. Stamp defective at the top. Cert. A. Diena Cover..........(Sass. 2)
Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000

Lot 318
REGNO D'ITALIA 1890 (9 gen.)
Advertising postcard from Florence to Piegaro, franked with a 20c. orange stamp of Umberto I, perforated "CC". Cert. A. Diena Cover..........(Sass. 1)
Estimate € 800 - 1,200

Lot 323
Complete sheet of the 1000 lire "Italy World Football Champion" stamps signed by the 22 members of the World Cup winning team,
as well as the signatures of coach Bearzot, F.I.G.C. president Sordillo, C.O.N.I. president Carraro, A.I.R.C. president Agnelli, and the stamp designer Guttuso. Cert. A. Bolaffi MNH..........(No. 494/500)
Estimate € 500 - 700

The event concludes with a session dedicated to coin collecting, featuring national and international coin collections, with the sale scheduled for 4:00 PM.


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