Estimate € 800 - 1,000
Sold € 700
Auction: 23 October 2013 at 15:30
Vaso in porcellana a decoro wucai, in blu sotto coperta e rosso e verde sopra coperta, dipinto nello stile "di transizione" con la scena "Le Quattro Princepesse e i Sedici Figli". Cina, dinastia Qing, sec. XIX. (h cm 25,5) (difetti) Base in legno. A Famille-Verte (wucai) porcelain vase with blue undeglaze and red and green on the exterior painted in the transitional style representing the Four Princesses and the sixteen sons. China, Qing Dynasty, 19th century (defects) Wooden base. Decoration with this theme was popular after the Kangxi period
Estimate € 800 - 1,000