ZUCCHETTA, Giovanni Battista (sec. XVI-XVII) - Prima parte della arimmetica. Brescia: Vincenzo Sabbio, 1600.   First edition of the famous work by the Genoese mathematician Zucchetta. The work, "Per la quale con mirabile ordine, et nuove regole si risolve con maravigliosa facilità ogni dubbio mercantesco", also intends to provide pragmatic help to merchants, dealing with currency exchange and mercantile arithmetic. A second part was never published and the work is therefore complete.   Folio (330 x 230mm). Engraved border on title with a portrait of the author, engraved dedicatee's portrait in the text, woodcut headpieces and initials (wormtracks at the first leaves touching the engraving on title, errata applied to leaf 2*3, tear with light loss of text at O4, waterstaining throughout, occasional foxing). Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine (rubbing, small restorations, invasive wormholes at endpapers). Provenance: contemporary scientific drawing at endpaper - few contemporary annotations.

Estimate € 800 - 1,200