DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - Comento di Christophoro Landino Fiorentino sopra la Comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta fiorentino. Florence: Nicolo di Lorenzo dalla Magna, 1481.   An unfortunately incomplete copy without the engravings by Botticelli of the famous Divine Comedy printed in Florence in 1481 and renowned to be the first illustrated of the Poem. It is a "response" to the publishing initiatives of Venice and Milan which in the previous years printed several impressive and important editions of the Comedy. Cristoforo Landino wrote his commentary for this edition; he was at the time holder of the chair of rhetoric in Florence and he re-evaluated the cult of Dante as an element of prestige for Medici Florence. The commentary was then the only one reprinted until the 1544 version by Vellutello.   Folio (408 x 274mm). (Lacking numerous leaves: [i-iii]7/8, χ⁶, a7-a9, b1, c1-c2, c7, d5, d9, e5, f5, g9, h3, h8, i4, l8, l10, m1, m4 n4, n5, r10, s1-s5 e s6 blank cointaining the final cantos of Inferno XXXIII and XXXIV, 2a1 blank, 2b10, 2c3-2c4, 2c8, 2e8-2e10, 2f1, 2o2-2o5, lacking leaves at end from I1 to L12 with the final Cantos of Paradise from XXVIII; some leaves are shorter, none of the renowned engravings are present, only at g4 and l1 there are traces of the outline of two of the engravings, some pages repaired mostly at the margins or with light foxing and staining). 18th-century mottled calf with gilt decorated spine and marbled boards (recently recased, new endpapers, light wear). Provenance: many ancient annotations.

Estimate € 500 - 800

Sold € 1,300