D'AQUINO, Tommaso (1225-1274) - Summa contra gentiles, quatuor libris comprehensa: commentariis. Paris: Johann Foucher [J. Savetier], 1552.   A mid-16th century edition of the work by Thomas Aquinas with an illuminated coat of arms at the beginning of text and at end.   Folio (334 x 230mm). Printer's device on title, woodcut initials, illuminated coat of arms at the incipit of the text and at the end (light browning and staining, lower corner of title torn, small wormtraces in the margin of some leaves far from text, some tiny wormholes in final part not compromising the leggibilyìity, some other occasional holes). Contemporary blindstamped calf elaborately decorated, with round metal corners, ancient manuscript vellum used inside, title in gilt on spine and manuscript on outer edge (without metal clasps, general wear and losses especially on spine, detached from textblock). Provenance: some early annotations.

Estimate € 200 - 300

Sold € 600