[BINDING] - Pontificale Romanum - Rome: Giacomo Luna e Leonardo Parasole, 1595.   A 16th-century Pontifical in an elegant contemporary binding, richly decorated, derived from the Council of Trent. The volume, abundantly illustrated, establishes the official liturgy of the Catholic Church and contains offices for ceremonies and rituals such as baptism, communion, confirmation, ordination, often accompanied by liturgical chants.   Folio (380 x 250mm). Title within a border with a woodcut vignette, printer's device at the end, text in red and black, woodcut initials and tailpieces, engraved illustrations (title possibly from another copy, reinforcements to inner margin of title and second leaf, restorations to lower margin of some leaves occasionally touching text, some waterstaining and a few marginal wormtracks). Contemporary calf, arms and rich gilt and blindstamped decorations on covers, gilt eagles on spine with 6 raised bands (rebacked preserving the original spine, some small restorations, some wear). A collation could not be obtained; our copy is as follows: a4, [cross]2, A-3X4, Y2, 3Z- 4V4 (lacking a4, [cross]1, M4). The lot is sold as a binding and is not subject to return.

Estimate € 300 - 500

Sold € 600