STAZIO, Publio Papinio (45-96) - Statij Sylvarum libri quinque Thebaidos libri duodecim Achilleidos duo. Venice: Aldo Manuzio, 1502 [al colophon].   First Aldine edition of Stazio's work accompanied by elegant contemporary annotations, sadly lacking the Orthographia.   One part only, 8vo (152 x 90mm). Printer's device at end, G4 and e8 bound at end (lacking a-e7 containing the "Orthographia" and C4, abrasions on title, some staining and foxing). Later vellum, spine with 5 raised bands and blindstamped decorations, red edges (some staining, very slight losses on spine). Provenance: some contemporary annotation (sometimes slightly cropped).

Estimate € 500 - 800

Sold € 480