GRAEVIUS, Johann Georg (1632-1703) - Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Italiae quo continentur optimi quique scriptores qui regionum et vrbium juris Veneti [parte V dell'opera più ampia Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Italiae]. Lugdunum Batavorum: Pieter Van der Aa, 1722.   A splendid copy of the part dedicated to Venice of Graevius' titanic work. This excellent work, preserved in elegant Dutch vellum bindings, contains 128 plates, maps, portraits and illustrations both double-page and folding and is complete with the magnificent view of Venice very similar to that of the Merian-Mortier of 1704.   It is one of the largest topographical-historical-artistic works dedicated to Venice published within the "Thesaurus Antiquitatum et Historiarum Italiae"; this larger work is composed of several books grouped by region and containing numerous engravings published between 1704 and 1723. The various books, as well as the loose plates, are often found separately and it is very rare to find complete parts on the market.   4 volumes, folio (390 x 250mm). Half-titles, engraved frontispiece, numerous titles printed in red and black with engraved vignettes, the first in each volume dedicated to the general work and the others to each part; 128 plates divided as follows: 4 maps containing the magnificent perspective view of the city of Venice, the topographic plan of the city, the map of the Gulf of Venice and that of the Venetian Dominion; 5 portraits of illustrious Venetians; 115 double-page and 4 folding plates with the major palaces and monuments of the city and some with animated scenes of ceremonies (some light browning throughout but lighter than in other digital copies examined, a few occasional stains, vol. 1 without instructions to the binder present in some copies and with a light marginal wormtrack to a few final leaves, without some of the final blanks).   Contemporary Dutch vellum with spines decorated in gilt, gilt title on red label, red speckled edges (some rubbing to extremities, heavier at spine ends with some restorations, some of the front endpapers modern, slightly bowed). For a detailed description of the plates and title pages present, please contact the department. Provenance: bookplate with the lion of Venice. (4)

Estimate € 5,000 - 8,000

Sold € 5,500