[MEDICINA] - Tacuinum Sanitatis. Ms. Lat. 9333. Barcelona: Moleiro, 2007.   Reproduction of this medieval medical guide with luxurious miniatures, produced in the 15th century. It is based on the treatise by the Arab doctor Ibn Butlan, a work that enjoyed great success and revolutionized Western medical practices, previously anchored to traditional uses and magical and religious beliefs, opening European culture to the hygienic and dietary norms of Arab rational medicine.   (355 x 225mm). Copy no. 430 of 987. Detailed colour reproduction of the original codex. Vellum binding with blindstamped decorations, metal clasps for closure. Preserved into leather editorial box with gilt decorations on plates and spine. Without the commentary volume.

Estimate € 400 - 600

Sold € 1,500