BOCHART, Samuel (1599-1667) - Opera omnia, hoc est Phaleg, Canaan, et Hierozoicon. Primo volume con Geographia sacra, seu Phaleg et Canaan; secondo e terzo volume con Hierozoicon, sive Bipertitum opus de animalibus. Lugduni Batavorum and Trajecti ad rhenum: Cornelius Boutesteyn e Jordanus Luchtmans e Guiliemus vande Water, 1692 [al colophon del terzo volume Utrecht: Ernest Voskuyl, 1690].   A splendid copy with wide margins and in contemporary Dutch vellum of the third edition of Bochart's popular works, concerning natural history, geography, theology and oriental studies.   3 volumes, folio (375 x 240mm). Half-title and engraved title in first volume, portrait of the author and 13 engraved plates including 3 double-page maps and one folding, general title of the work in the first volume, second title in red and black in first volume with engraved vignette and in red and black in the second volume, text in Latin and Hebrew (occasional light browning, very few sporadic tears). Contemporary Dutch vellum with decorative lozenges in the center of the plates, red speckled edges (anciently rebacked, lightly bowed, light staining). SBN reports a set of 4 leaves at the beginning of the third volume, the present copy contains two blanks, the title and an index leaf. (3)

Estimate € 600 - 900