ROSSI, Giovanni Giacomo de (1627-1691) - Insignium Romae templorum prospectus exteriores interiores. Rome: Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi, 1684.   An uncut copy of this important work for the history of baroque sacred architecture. Unfortunately lacking the final engraving, which is often missing, depicting the headquarters of the de Rossi printing house, but with the first 71 plates showing the architecture of famous artists such as Michelangelo, Fontana, Vignola, Borromini and others and engraved Blondeau, Laigniel, Bufalinus, G. Colin , G.B. Falda, G.F. Venturini.   Folio (485 x 350mm). 71 (of 72) numbered plates which include the frontispiece with the large coat of arms of Pope Innocent XI by Blondeau, plates 9-10 double page, plates 26-27 and 43-44 mounted to form a double page (lacking final leaf as often, wormtraces on the lower margin of the first leaves and on the inner margin of some others not touching the engraving, rather strong dampstaining and soiling, plate 25 trimmed, plate 57 with repaired tear). Contemporary leather covered with decorated paper, uncut (worn).

Estimate € 300 - 500

Sold € 650